Sunday, January 28, 2007

Like the Socratic method

Through my carrier as a Creative I was interested in creating design that acts as a question, rather than a statement or explanation. Like the Socratic method, my intention was to ignite the imagination of the viewer, instill in them the realization that they may not know something, to question their understanding of a subject. Because I believe understanding is something entirely personal and individual, and thus it can never be taught, it can only be discovered or suggested. However, nowadays visual and aural language saturates our public and private spaces: Billboards on the road, newspaper headlines in the subway, on the bus, television commercials, brand names in conversations, sound bytes in news, etc. are making a predigested language, and also are making IMMUNE the viewers and general public. This pollution injected and infected the communication process and has become surface and superficial making more difficult to get and approach the public. My ideas exist and are changing as crazy realizable physical moments rather than lineal communication that seems to have little significance. I still believe that the power of the question is more potent than the answer. I am still happy with my creative process because sometimes is better a whisper that a loud shout.

by the way I’ve cut my hair pretty short.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Graffiti en movimiento


Aprovechando la bajada de precio y tamaño de los proyectores me estoy animando a comprar uno. Algun socio? Alguien quiere compartir y salir a aventurar un rato? Por cierto en Barcelona aun no existe una agencia de publicidad de guerrilla.....mmm....Por otra parte, me gusta la idea de utilizar esta técnica respecto a los viejos formatos de graffiti, aporta la posibilidad de crear imágenes en movimiento, y por supuesto, no tener consecuencias legales, ni danos urbanos.
